Vallejo Game Color 72.003 Pale Flesh
Vallejo Game Color 72.003 Pale Flesh - New Formula
Vallejo have reformulated Game Color with an new acrylic resin to greatly improve colour application. The paint spreads very smoothly, is more fluid, opaque and contains a high saturation of pigments chosen for their brightness, stability and resistance to light.
Game Color is easy to apply and blend, with a matt finish and excellent self-levelling properties that prevent brush strokes from appearing on the painted surface. Formulated with state-of-the-art resins, these paints are highly resistant to handling and rubbing.
Game Color is designed to be applied by brush, or can be thinned with Vallejo Airbrush Thinner at a ratio of 2 drops of paint to one drop of thinner for airbrushing.
Supplied in 18ml dropper bottles. Shake well before use. The new design of bottle is environmentally friently (recycled/recyclable) r-PET and includes a security seal.